
With the help of jET, we produce many of the designs in-house and on different printers. On the Formlab printers, we use different types of resins. The Connex uses differnt types of polyjet material. The f170 allows printing of ABS, PLA and similar materials and we used ABS for all of the f170 prints. Some parts, particularly in the step-by-step instructions were replicated on an Ender 3 with PLA. For some results, we document the results in pictures. For those images, the 3D Printer shorthands in the file names stand for:

Production services

We have ordered components through the following services:

  • Craftcloud: 3D-printing marketplace allows direct comparison of services for a specific model and material.
  • Ponoko: laser cut acrylic

We are also aware of the following services, which we have not verified and may or may not work. Please let us know if you have had any positive or negative experiences while working with them.