Open GitHub folder → to GitHub project folder For prototyping we needed an adapter from an RJ45 connector (standard network) to an Harwin Archer M55 with a specific mapping. This is the custom PCB for it.

M55-RJ45 converter

RJ45 to M55 adapter Some of the arena panels are connected via 20 pin Archer M55 connectors. For a prototype, we wanted to transmit a subset from seven specific pins via ethernet cables. The M55-RJ45 project adapts specific M55 pins to the RJ45 pins.

M55 pin(s) RJ45 pin(s)
6 3
11+12+14 2
13 5
15 4
16 6
17 3
18 8
19 + 20 7 + 1

The M55 and RJ45 connectors have pads on opposite sides of the PCB, and contain both versions for male and female M55 connectors. The rendering above shows the “f” (female) side of the PCB. For the RJ45 connector, we use a surface-mount only version.